2023 Scholarship Golf Outing

The 13th Annual CMMA Scholarship Golf Outing was held on July 12, 2023. With a staggering 48 teams, the golfers were split between Pohlcat and the Mt. Pleasant Country Club. Despite gloomy forecasts, the weather was clear and sunny for much of the day.
For the lowest round, two teams claimed victory: Team Alro at Pohlcat, and Team Padnos at Mt. Pleasant Country Club. The winner of the Steve Grace “Having the Most Fun” trophy was the Emerging Leaders Team #1.
This event supports the scholarships that CMMA awards each year. This year’s applicant pool was the strongest yet. After much deliberation, three recipients were selected and recognized at the event. Congratulations to Brecken Corp, Hunter Raymond, and Katie Steinhaus!
If you would like to be involved in either the scholarship competition or the golf event next year, look for promotional information in March/April for the scholarshop application, and in May/June for the golf outing. Registrations for the golf outing fill quickly, so make sure that your team doesn’t miss out!